2025 Charity Partners are officially announced after general registration is closed.
We ask that runners contact the Charities directly – runners are asked to raise a set amount in pledges for the charity. All the money raised will be given to the charity; checks are written directly and mailed directly to the charity, not through the Spring Lake 5 Mile Run.
Charities must make sure that the runners raising the money are the runners that are going to run. No giving of bib numbers to other people to auction off or use for commercial gain. If it is determined that that happens all team members will be disqualified.
Catholic Charities www.Catholiccharitiestrenton.org/Monmouth
Jennifer Leip JLeip@cctrenton.org
Interfaith Neighbors www.interfaithneighbors.org
Christie Cancro - ChristieC@interfaithneighbors.org
Covenant House www.CHHomeTeam.org
Kristen Corley Kcorley@covenanthouse.org
The Front and Center Fund and Embrace Kids Foundation http://give.embracekids.org/sl5
Glenn Jenkins Glenn@EmbraceKids.org
RallyCap Sports www.rallycapsports.org
Gina Hooker ginahooker@rallycapsports.org
Vetwork www.vetwork.org
Michael Liddy mLiddy@vetwork.org
Shore House www.shorehousenj.org
Bailey Taft - Bailey@shoreclubhouse.org
Konscious Youth Development & Services www.konscious.org
Rodney Salmon philanthropy@konscious.org
Take A Breather Foundation https://www.takeabreatherfromcf.org/
Ann Black ann@takeabreather.net
Melanoma Research Foundation www.melanoma.org
Nicole Papathanassiou npapathanassiou@melanoam.org
Mary’s Place www.marysplacebythesea.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Clare Freda cfreda@marysplacebythesea.org
180 Turning Lives Around www.180nj.org (FULL / Sold Out)
Randi Zamkotowicz randiz@180nj.org
John Taylor Babbitt Foundation www.jtbfoundation.org (Full / Sold Out)
JoAnne Babbitt info@jtbfoundation.org
Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County www.bgcmonmouth.org (Full / SOLD OUT)
Sandra Benedict sandra@bgcmonmouth.org
Holiday Express www.holidayexpress.org (Full / SOLD OUT)
Phyllis Peterson ppeterson@holidayexpress.org
The Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore www.njsamaritan.org (Full / SOLD OUT)
Anne Marie Weiland annemarie@njsamaritan.org
Team Freedom www.runteamfreedom.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Jim McInerney jaidan70@yahoo.com
Big Brothers Big Sister of Coastal & Northern NJ www.bbbsmmc.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Charleen Cucci ccucci@mentornj.org
Childhood Leukemia Foundation www.clf4kids.org ( FULL / SOLD OUT)
Kim Wetmore KWetmore@clf4kids.org
Collier Youth Services www.collieryouthservices.org (FULL/SOLD OUT)
Christine DelCuore cdelcuore@collieryouthservices.org
Alayna Jayne Foundation www.alaynajaynefoundation.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Elaine Bodine elaine@alaynajaynefoundation.org
Ocean of Love for Children with Cancer www.oceanoflove.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Theresa Segui theresas@oceanoflove.org
Beauty Foundation for Cancer Care www.beautyfoundationnj.com (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Diane Rokkos diane@beautyfoundationnj.com
Flight 93 National Memorial Campaign (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Catherine Price price.cat@gmail.com
Live Like Maddie www.livelikemaddie.org (FULL / SOLD OUT)
Nicole Marmo tmarmo@livelikemaddie.org
Are you a Charitable organization who wants to be a Charity Partner? 2025 Charity Partners have been selected. New requests need to send an email in late November 2025 to get on the list to be reviewed as a charity partner for the 2026 race. Charities must be 501(c)3 compliant and have a website for the committee to review. Charity Partners are officially announced after general registration is closed.